ATI DBxxxI-00x ProCharger 6, 8, 10 & 12 Rib Blower Belts
ATI DBxxxI-00x ProCharger 6, 8, 10 & 12 Rib Blower Belts
These belts are currently only offered to those who know the ProCharger part number from their current belt. Please put the part number in the "notes" section of the order form.
Blower belts stretch quite a bit during the first hour of use, and many appear to be too short when they are new. Try putting the belt around everything but the crank pulley, then put it around the crank pulley as far as possible, and crank the engine over to get it on. Allow the belt to break in by taking it easy on it for the first hour, you may have to readjust the tensioner after the belt is broken in.
Manufacturer: ATI ProCharger (Accessible Technologies Inc)
Condition: New

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ATI DBxxxI-00x ProCharger 6, 8, 10 & 12 Rib Blower Belts