ATI 05-06 GTO - I have a head unit, what else do I need?
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Part Number: ATI 05-06 GTO
Manufacturer: ATI ProCharger (Accessible Technologies Inc)
Condition: New

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ATI 05-06 GTO - I have a head unit, what else do I need?
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Head units: The 04-06 GTO ProCharger brackets are designed to only use ProCharger self contained head units. They will not work with any of the ProCharger non self contained head units, such as a P600B. They will not work with other brands of head units either. A P-1SC through an F-2 will physically bolt up to the 04-06 ProCharger GTO bracket.
ProCharger head units are designed to be in a standard rotation or a reverse rotation, the 04-06 GTO ProCharger bracket places the head unit in a standard rotation orientation. You cannot use a reverse rotation head unit with this combination as the blower will not make any boost. It would be cost prohibitive to send in a reverse rotatation head unit to have it made into a standard rotation. How do you know what you have? The easiest thing to do is to write down the serial number found on the tag that is on the head unit, and call ProCharger at 913 338-2886. ProCharger can tell you which rotation the head unit is, and the history of it. You can also e-mail me at and give me the serial number and I will find out what you have.
Belt drive: The 05-06 GTO ProCharger kits use a separate belt to drive the blower off the crankshaft. ProCharger bolts a pulley to the harmonic balancer and bolts a pulley to the head unit, and a serpentine belt is used.
The standard 8 rib assembly using a factory balancer is the cheapest way to go. The standard ProCharger eight rib crank pulley bolts to the factory harmonic balancer, it will not fit up to any aftermarket balancers. This crank pulley has three pins on it that fit into slots on the factory balancer. A ProCharger supplied crank bolt is used to secure the crank pulley to the balancer. You need to use loc-tite on this bolt, this is mandatory as I have seen these crank pulleys fall off. There are several problems that I have found over the years with this standard 8 rib combination. The pins on the 8 rib crank pulley tend to bend over time due to the power required to spin the blower. The ProCharger GTO standard 8 rib crank pulley is a 7.0" diameter, a larger crank pulley would spin the blower faster without having to use as small of a pulley on the blower. ProCharger has also designed the GTO kit to be used with an aftermarket harmonic balancer made by ATI Performance Products, it is part number 918853. When the 918853 balancer is used, there are three crank pulley options. 7.0", 7.65" and 8.25" diameters.
Main bracket assembly: (3GNSP-001 GTO Main bracket spacer bag is required and is an option at this link) ATI 3GNBB-002 - 04-06 GTO Main Bracket Assembly
Head unit mounting bolts (Included in above main bracket assembly): ATI 2004-2006 GTO Head Unit Mounting BoltsFactory balancer crank pulley:
ATI 3GNDR-001 / GTO 8 RIB Crank pulley for Stock BalancerATI DC017A-001 Crank Bolt Modified
ATI DC017I-002 LS Crank Washer M16 Flat - Zinc
ATI Performance Products 918853 balancer crank pulleys:Crank pinning kit: (Pinning the balancer to the crankshaft prevents the balancer from slipping on the crankshaft)ATI 918853 BalancerATI Performance Products 918853 for supercharged applications
Blower pulleys and belts: (Includes bolt, washer and keyway) ATI ProCharger Pulleys (6, 8, 10 & 12 rib) at Brute Speed
Blower pulley shims: (.130 is standard on the GTO and are used between the head unit and blower pulley to space out the blower pulley)GTO Misc Bag:Vacuum manifold assembly:Cooling system bag:Coolant transfer tube:Power steering reservoir relocation:Power steering trans cooler:Fan shroud:Small fan:Large fan:Air inlet tube:Air filter:Check valve:Blower oil:P&D SeriesF SeriesDrain line:GTO standard 2 Core intercooler:GTO race 3 Core intercooler:ATI AIGN2A-011 Race Intercooler 3" Inlet/Outlet Opposite Sides
ATI AIGN2A-011B Race Intercooler 3" Inlet/Outlet Opp Sides BlackGTO standard intercooler rubber goods bag:GTO race intercooler rubber goods bag:Intercooler tubing: (Both intercoolers use the same tubing)ATI AIFA1I-001 002 Tube 3" 90 Degree x 2 neededSurge system bag: (Standard Proflow bypass valve)Race bypass valve: (Open or enclosed with a steel flange is needed to weld it to the steel intercooler tubing)Injectors: (LS2)